Earwax removal treatment will all depend on your location if this is available to you on the NHS.
In recent government announcements ear wax removal is no longer offered within many of the NHS or GP practices, so private sectors are now recommended. As mentioned on recent article on the BBC website – millions lose access to free earwax removal. So we’d always suggest to check with your local GP as this service appears be postcode related, which is coming more and more common. However earwax removal is a service we can provide.
Here at Hydro Health & Beauty, we perform a treatment know as Microsuction to remove earwax. During this procedure one of our clinicians will use a microscope to look into the ear canal, with a camera attached, so you see exactly what we can see. Then if its decided that your earwax needs removing, we use a very tiny suction device to suck out an problem wax. This technique is very safe & effective way to removing persistent blockages. Click here to find out a bit more about this treatment.
If your unsure whether you may require Microsuction here are some indications for treatment:
- Partial hearing loss: You can’t make out conversations & hear other sounds the way you used to, & may strain to understand what people are saying.
- Muffled sounds: You can hear the way you usually do, but some sounds are unclear & you may wonder why.
- Fullness in your ears: You notice that your ears have been feeling as if they’re “full” & indeed they might be full with ear wax.
- Itchiness: Your ears may be itchy, & you try to scratch the inner parts.
- Tinnitus: A buzzing or ringing in your ears that has gradually or suddenly developed.
- Earache: An infection may have developed in your ears because of too much ear wax.
- Dizziness: You’ve sometimes felt dizzy & perhaps have developed vertigo
Which clinics is this treatment available at?
Microsuction is available at all 3 of our clinic locations:
We are here to help
If you have any questions or would like to enquire about making an appointment please either, call our main clinic on 01754 611929 or email our team to start the conversation. Alternatively you can contact us via our socials or our online form that can be found on our contact page.